Sunday, January 12, 2014

shy guys birthday

i decided to throw shy a surprise birthday party this year. and let's just say i am not so good at keeping secrets. there were so many times i wanted to blow it… on purpose i might add. i guess he can feel confident that i can't keep things from him. and i guess you can call me a chatty kathy.

it turned out perfect. i decided to have an alice and wonderland mad tea party theme. 
kinda girly, but hey who planned it?
i had so much fun decorating with all of our wedding decorations, they make for a splendid tea party.
we had hot chocolate that we sipped out of our many tea cups, as well as iced tea to cool us down. 

it was fun to have everyone dress up for a night. i can't believe it was six years ago we first celebrated your birthday together. someone pinch me please. our lives are far too perfect. love you to the moony moon moon. happy 25. quarter of a century, hopefully three more to go.